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Fall 2020

Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies (601.441/641)

Instructor Matthew Green and Teaching Assistant Gijs Van Laer

This course will introduce students to cryptocurrencies and the main underlying technology of Blockchains. The course will start with the relevant background in cryptography and then proceed to cover the recent advances in the design and applications of blockchains. This course should primarily appeal to students who want to conduct research in this area or wish to build new applications on top of blockchains. It should also appeal to those who have a casual interest in this topic or are generally interested in cryptography. Students are expected to have mathematical maturity.

Security and Privacy in Computing (601.443/643)

Instructor Avi Rubin and Teaching Assistants Tushar Jois and Max Zinkus

Lecture topics will include computer security, network security, basic cryptography, system design methodology, and privacy. There will be a heavy work load, including written homework, programming assignments, exams and a comprehensive final. The class will also include a semester-long project that will be done in teams and will include a presentation by each group to the class.